Written by R.C. Kapplan (December 12, 2021)
Weight stigma is so prevalent and so detrimental to a person’s self worth and willingness to seek health care, that has become a matter of complex social, physiological, and public health issue.
For some people like Monika, weight has always been a struggle and the stigma that comes with it make it even harder.
Monika had just came back from vacation and she was excited to share her photos on social media. Then the mean comments started rolling in making fun of her weight.
But Monika isn’t alone, millions of women struggle with weight loss and body image. The mainstream messaging to help these women has always been the same and ineffective.
“Eat less, exercise and you will loose weight.”But it’s not that SIMPLE
It was time to take a different approach and what Monika discovered next was something she never could have imagined.
After trying so many failed diet plans, Monika found a simple morning routine that changed everything.What’s more interesting was that this routine had nothing to do with how you diet or exercise.
One of the challenges that Monika and many like her faced was giving up foods that she enjoyed.
Contrary to what many health experts may say, people who are naturally skinny don’t take on super strict diet and in fact those who have struggle with weight loss are more conscious of what they eat than those who are not.
But with this new method, for the first time Monika didn’t had to worry about gaining a ton of weight while enjoying her favorite food.
Getting and staying healthy is a choice but it doesn’t have to be as difficult as many have been lead to believe. It doesn’t have to feel like a constant failure and hopelessness.
In this short video, discover the same life changing routine that Monika found that started her transformation.Click on the video below to play.